sureflo type pump

doug mckenzie

New Member
i have been powerwashing houses and things around them for 16yrs.i use hot water, chlorine,or newagain and a super suds sucker from enviro spec,down stream injector. this works fine. is there a way to hook the sureflo to the hp. hose.if someone does this please tell me how it's done,and what are the draw backs ?i also say if it's not worth doing right, it's not worth doing.


New Member

if you are looking to shoot chem say 40 ft without dilution[i am assuming thats what you want to do go to northern tool and look at there TREE SPRAYER its a high GPM shur-flo with a tank and nozzle that will shoot strait chem 40 ft.
if you still want to use your washer to apply stronger chems.? according to BIGBOY if you are useing a tank for your supply you can put a ball valve in the supply line-and open the chem line to full and the washer will suck more from the chem line. You will have to talk to him to get it right. But it dose make sense[its in the plumbing] to pump chem into the lines i think you could only do this on the ''before the pump side,and that would'nt be good for your pump''

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