Water Broom..??


New Member
Hello from Portland! We purchased a waterbroom but are not too pleased with it.
This broom has 7 nozzles across the wand but the PSI is registering somewhere between 250-500psi on our meter. We are using 40 degree tips on all 7 nozzles and a 3500psi/4gpm commerical Landa unit. Is this correct to have such rotten performance..?? Any reason why the broom puts out such little power..?? Please advise or post your opinions. Thanks Much!

Jim Bilyeu

New Member
Good Morning Portland, Just wanted to say Hi to a neighbor. I'm located just outside of Oregon City. How do you like this beautiful weather we've been having? About your broom. I'm not a pressure washer per say, but it seems to me that you are taking 3500 pounds and splitting it in 7 directions which would be 500 pounds per tip. I may be way off base on my thinking, but it makes sence to me. I run 3500 pound Landa hot water unites and they are great machines. Well, have to get loaded up and head for sunny Calif. Be glad when this job is over so I can get back home. Take care and good luck.

Jim Bilyeu
Exterior Woodcare


Originally posted by Jim Bilyeu:
Good Morning Portland, Just wanted to say Hi to a neighbor. I'm located just outside of Oregon City. How do you like this beautiful weather we've been having? About your broom. I'm not a pressure washer per say, but it seems to me that you are taking 3500 pounds and splitting it in 7 directions which would be 500 pounds per tip. I may be way off base on my thinking, but it makes sence to me. I run 3500 pound Landa hot water unites and they are great machines. Well, have to get loaded up and head for sunny Calif. Be glad when this job is over so I can get back home. Take care and good luck.

Jim Bilyeu
Exterior Woodcare
While you are in California stop by and see me. That's where I am. The nozzles are the wrong size. If you install smaller ones say a #1 your pressure will go way up.

Hotwaterwizard@aol.com John DeRosa If you have a Machine Problem, I'm here to help.

Greg - GCR PowerClean

In order to increase your pressure you have to divide your number of nozzles into your GPM... this meaning you would have .57 gpm nozzles... could be tough to find. This would keep your pressure up but will probably cut your cleaning performance.

Greg Rentschler
GCR PowerClean
NEW E-Mail address: GCR PowerClean@cs.com


Originally posted by Greg - GCR PowerClean:

In order to increase your pressure you have to divide your number of nozzles into your GPM... this meaning you would have .57 gpm nozzles... could be tough to find. This would keep your pressure up but will probably cut your cleaning performance.
That is why I said #1 nozzles they are easier to find.

Hotwaterwizard@aol.com John DeRosa If you have a Machine Problem, I'm here to help.

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