What is the purpose of the BBS's

New Look

Registerd User
If you could write up what the purpose of the different BBS's are for what would you write? Please do not mention names or bbs names...just in general...whats your take?


PWN TEAM - Moderator
To trade knowledge between contractors for the betterment (is that even a word?) of an industry.

Doug Rucker

Staff member
IMO...they are for CONTRACTORS to bounce things off of, to get help, show off work, sell equipment as needed. Also to help new guy's getting into the business and steer them in the proper direction so that they can help, not deter the industry as a whole. Also to allow VENDORS to show, sell, their products and help us on equipment questions, new and upcoming changes in equipment, chemicals, parts, etc. At all times it should be a place that the only dumb question is the one not asked.

Dave Olson

New Member
The bbs's started in the mid 90's.

They have done everything Doug said and more for most of that time.

Dave Olson

Chad Cobb

PWN TEAM - Moderator
The bbs are to me a great tool for my tool box. You can go to a board and ask a question and somewhere out there someone has had the same problem. If it is equipment, business, marketing, or whatever someone has been there done that and can help. Vendors can get feed back about the equipment, and products by the people using them and not an engineer sitting in an office.

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