Where do retired Power Washers go?


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I recently received an e-mail from Jon, he is now living
in New Mexico, he said he will drop in and visit us soon!



New Member
Hi y'all, those that know me and the newer ones that don't, does not matter if you enjoy playing with high pressure water hoses:)

As Mark said I would stop by and say hello but he failed to say what he would do to me if I did not stop by, see I have known that old man for many a year and keep trying to catch up with his age but he keeps advancing on me.

It has been a few years since I "retired" from being a pressure washer, it was fun, I loved what I did and miss doing it but health had a lot to do with my early retirement.

Been down here in the Southwest going on close to 3 years and hardly see any PWers here so that explains why all those little black spots on the concrete are all over the place.


New Member
Hey Jon how have you been? How is retired life? Here in Florida with all the storms we are getting everyday business has slow up alot. Of course, since I don't live on this income it isn't too bad. I have plenty of time to get the honey do's done. Take care and keep in touch! Hugh Gibson (copgib)

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
Hope things have been going good for you luckyboy,hope your health problem has gotten better after the move to the southwest.

Me,,still fishing full time and work part time and like you if anytime is left over I set on my lazy bone to keep it in good shape for the days to come.

Take care.....C-ya
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New Member
I'm flattered, speechless, deaf, ah wait I was born mostly deaf so that does not count!

Really all of you and most I recognize here thanks, I know I don't stop by often but I have never forgot any of you, I made a lot of friends while pressure washing and although I may not keep in touch with you your still my friend.

As for Mr. Alan, well let me say one thing, the guy works hard but if you ever offer to treat him to a meal make sure you have the whole side of beef ready to cook:)

And Larry you could not catch enough fish to feed him but if you shot a cow now that is different. So your still up there in the hills enjoying the best of life I see, what about our flyboy, is he still washing and flying planes or has he moved on to other work?

Since Alan asked if I have had surgery yet I will make it short here, Yes Alan I have had it and am on the recovery side, not done as I was one of a few who did not make it out of the hospital in 4 days but instead too an ambulance ride to a rehab hospital for another week.

I had to have a total knee replacement and all I can say about it is if you never have to have one then DON'T. I cannot begin to describe the pain nor will I waste your time on it.

I am walking now and mostly without a cane but take it with me, I have not been allowed to drive sine May 4th, the day before surgery and am in physical therapy 2 times a week.

Enough about me, I am a survivor so I will be back better then new, so says the doctor.

If any of you ever find your going to pass through Albuquerque, NM send me an Email and I will do my best to find the time to meet you or have you over at our home.

And if you are towing your rig for sure as I would love to clean my driveway even if it is only 2 1/2 years old.

Alan you have my Email addy and I think I deleted your last Email so please send it to me again.

Life is great but I refuse to retire and worst I miss my grandsons in CA but love the openness and fresh air here.

Y'all welcome for your post here too.

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
Luckyboy I guess flyboy turned into a fly and flew off into the wild blue younder,haven't seen or heard.

Do not know if I have the best of life but do know I'm going to try to enjoy the rest of it and you cann't do that buy working all time.About two months ago I helped bury 4 friends and one of them was a fishing buddy,they died at different times.They worked all time too and I didn't see them take a dime to the grave with them.It opened my eyes as to not work all time and enjoy more days goofing off,fishing,riding 4wheelers with the grandboys and every now and then drive the vettie around.Next year I'm going to retire lol and enjoy life even more dat is if I'm still around b/c you never know what or when your number is coming up.
Going thursday with a friend to pick up a brand new fishing boat,he had it buildt like he wanted it.Had a jet pump put on it to fish the swallow rivers and he is wanting to take 5 or 6 days fishing them,yes I'm going.

So refuse to retire if you want,I'm going to do some things I wish I had done before I have to wish I had done them,know what I mean.

Take care and more power to Ya......C-ya
Hey John, great to hear from you again!

I may be joining you in retirment in about a year. When I do, I'm going to move to a beach somewhere.

Dan S

New Member
hey jon-jon I have heard of this group you can join ......... maybe you have heard of it maybe not .......... It's called pwna !!!! lol !

glad to hear you are doing good !!! take care my e-mail is still the same if ya ever get bored and wanna type ............. smwash@pennswoods.net

Larry, your right about the working all the time and when you leave this earth the money stays .......... we live in such a "material" world seems everybody is getting worse trying to keep up with the "jones's" everything is going up and up and up . But if you live within your means it makes it nicer . I have been getting outta debt now for the past 2 years ......... I stopped buying trucks and toys that come with a monthly payment .....If i cant pay cash for it it stays on the lot !! I dont need to work more to have the things I need or want........ i just need to wait a tad to pay with cash !!

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