

New Member

Dan Flynn has all that stuff turned off on his board for personal reasons best left unsaid.

Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
That's not true Jon,,, but thanks for trying to help. There is no reason why it should not be working. Not sure what gave you that idea. I will look into it. Thanks for bringing it up.

Is anyone else not getting notified when someone responds to your post?

Please let me know ASAP

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
Don't know about out going mail but in coming mail is working ok.


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Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
I just tested it and mine works fine. Oulaw if your notification is working you should be getting email from this post. If not we will have to figure out why your not. If not start by looking in your profile to see if you have it checked off.

Sorry if the bothers anyone that it's working. (he he)


New Member
No it didn't work on this one, and yes I've got it checked, I come to the board everyday, it's just nice to know when a question or a comment is relpyed too!

Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
I agree with you. That's what keeps the bbs working. I will try to figure it out for you. If it works for me it shouls work for everyone. Unless some setting is off some how.

Let me know if it starts working for you.


New Member
Just testing to see if mine works, it is turned on too.

Dan F. I thought Gav was referring to the option to send Email to others.

Like it is only 4:00 AM and I have been home about 20 minutes. Checking board and then bed.

Who was it that said flat work is easy? I want a word with that person.

Dan Flynn

PWN Founder

If you were not to busy and came around more you would know that it's working. You know that this bbs is more important than some stinky flat work.



Moderator / Sponsor
Guys & Gals,

It is Sunday we are off to church then taking the kids to the lake for some water
sports. (Skiing tubing .....etc.)

I am giving all of you the day off!

LOL ;)



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Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
Now I see why ya havta make them cry:D .

I've had so many days off I don't need to take another off but ifen you buying ok,thanks.I'll start enjoying it in planning another fishing trip this coming week.Going down there in the S.E. part of Ar.,hope I don't get run over by no powerwasher down there around Old Town Lake.

Havta to tell you this,last week when fishing at night,someone came along and put fate bullit holes all over my white truck.When we came in from running the jug'line and when I seen my truck I like to have had a fit,muchless the smell running down my legs..

PRETTY good joke.....them suckers LOOKED real.


New Member
You mean like this?


Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
Yel man like that,looks real.

They had 15 on my truck on the driver side,I left them on for two days then decide to take them off b/c I was afraid someone would shoot it b/c it was already shot,no what I mean.They're fairly easy to pull off,so every time I stopped in town I'd pull 2 or 3 off and stick them on someone else's car,had 4 on the local cops car,guess they like them b/c they're still on it.That was the best joke pulled on me in a long long time,it'll be awhile before I can top it,they got me pretty good,they still gettting a BIG HAHAHA out of it,lol.They know me tho,pay back time is coming,think I'll catch me a live bobcat,tie a knot in its tail and put it in their truck but the last time we did that one of the guys is still studdering.


New Member
I don' get it, (or maybe I do), my e-mail notification works on all the other bbs I subscibe to, why all of a sudden does it not work on this one for me, but it does for everyone else?

Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
That's a good question. I still have not been able to figure it out. It seems as though everyone else is getting theirs.

I will continue to try and figure this out for you. Sorry for the trouble.

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