Account Ideas


New Member

I am putting together a list of target customers in which I would hope to gain a routine account with. I am considering the common ones such as drive-thrus, banks, restaurants, car dealerships, etc.

However, I was thinking about also contacting the Day Cares in my area for routine playground cleaning as well as side walks etc, my sales pitch would include that providing a cleaner playground outside they would in return have a cleaner day care inside. A clean playground as well as a clean building is also more attractive to parents in regards to health concerns for thier children.

My second thougt was Dog kennels for both stores as well as dog-sitting type places. Main sales pitch would be health reasons for the dogs.

Has anyone out there tried these two businessess and if so how have you made out. Or perhaps these are a waste of time. Any thoughts would be great.


New Member
Don't know about daycare.
You mean privately owned establishments, or government operated shelters? That may make a difference. There are probably regulations in place to govern how often they should be cleaned.


New Member
Good choice. Although I can't help with bidding ideas, it would seem a worthwhile pursuit. Basically, I think like this: Everything gets dirty, and noone wants to clean it. They will gladly pay someone else to do it. I'll shut up now and let someone help you. I think I have wasted valuble time and KB's.
That's the little world I live in.


New Member
i know that my office already does window cleaning for tutor times in ny and nj and i have not thought of spring playground cleaning but that is a good idea. thanks

Scott Stone

New Member
Why is everyone so scared of Government work??? I don't get it. It is steady, the bill will be paid, and you know upfront what the work is goingt o be. Besides that, Seldom does your contact change, and if it does, you don't have to worry about someone bringing in their own guy.

Dang, I LOVE government work...

Of course, I also have about 8 different govt. contracts.

Scott Stone


New Member
You're right about all that, Scott. I guess it's just the "PITA" factor when dealing with the government on anything. The paperwork,the beauracratic crap you have to deal with. You know, red tape and all. But true, once you've got your feet in the door, you're ok.


New Member
Hey Scott Stone,
How did you get the gov. contracts? I have been looking into that but can't get much info. on it. I live 60 miles from Washington D.C.

S.L. Alt
Valley Pressure Washnig
106 Stump Court
Stephens City,VA 22655


New Member
I haven't thought to bid for gov't jobs for two reasons. I am just starting out and want to get some experience and I have also read that they require water collection which I will not be set up to do for qutie a while.

Scott Stone

New Member
I started with local governments, looking at the purcahasing websites and went from there. It is really pretyty easy, and they do not necessarily require a bunch of red tape, no more than any other large corporation.


New Member
What? Don't know what red tape means? Or are you being sarcastic? In case you don't, red tape is the long line of agencies one has to negotiate before finally getting to the right place.
If you're trying to be sarcastic, try again. I am the king of sarcasm.


New Member
grasshawg said:
OK, before anybody jumps on me, that was kinda rude. My apologies, ctwasher.

Yes,it was rude.Don't let it happen again....I'm the guy who plays the part of the a$*hole...stop trying to take my job.


New Member
Doesn't Government work usually equal "lowest price wins"?

Not Always.Remember it's not their money it's tax payers money so some really don't care how much it(whatever it is) costs,as long as the job is done to spec.

Have you ever seen a $600 hammer at Home Depot?I haven't,but Uncle Sam has.


New Member
Absolutely not "lowest gets it".....friend of ours bid on some houseing on military base and was turned down because he wasn't charging enough - and they told him so.


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