SparkleBlast has joined the forum


New Member
Just wanted to say hello to all. I especially would like to thank Doug Rucker for getting my account working properly.


I've had SparkleBlast for several years now which I do part time for the near term. I specialize in honesty, customer satisfaction, and doing my best to give the industry a good name. I don't have a large customer base yet, but the ones that I do have are very satisfied and agree that I put them and thier property first before anything else.

I used to hydroblast Nuclear Reactors back in the 80's so I am well versed at pressures in the 8-12K range. Everyone should recognize that SAFETY, is the most important thing to you, your family, customers and us. I was Site Coordinator, Supervisor, Lead Blast Tech and know all to well the dangers of water under pressure. We used to blast Reactor Pools, Down Comers, Spent Fuel Pools, intake structures, drains, cooling/Heat exchangers, etc.

I am now employed as an IT Manager/ACES Specialist for a Fortune 500 company (ranked 225) - BIG WHOOP (LOL)!!!! But honestly it's a nice job, but just that a job. I love the work, but I like being an Entrepeneur. One day my company will rank in the top Fortune 100 - quite ambitious but doable.

I'm here to learn from everyone and help anyone, if I have any knowledge worth sharing. But I am here to primarily learn so any advice is well appreciated.


Doug Rucker

Staff member
Welcome aboard William, glad to see you made it, Big thanks to Mark MCentyre for getting you in.

Very interesting resume you got there. Hit us up with any ??? you may have.


Welcome aboard!

"I specialize in honesty, customer satisfaction, and doing my best to give the industry a good name."

I like it.

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