What do you expect the PWNA should give you for your $250.00 membership??????


New Member
<FONT COLOR="e87400">Trying to Convey my view here… This is long but I just wanted to try attempt to explain why I feel the way I do, However this may better show that I am severly brain damaged and lost in my own little world.

Here go's

I'm not just trying to cover my ass here, I'm trying to cover everyone's. I am passionate about this because I love this business. Ron I hear exactly what your saying about creating customer awareness and educating contractors to do their jobs without causing damage to the customer's property & it's a beautiful notion but in reality I think it would do more harm than good My problem with this is that you are also creating an open source for information (You said that it would give ALL information to ALL members) on the business & as I have said before by doing so you give a person with absolutely zero experience the ability to compete with any of us. Now if you could vouch for the character of everyone who ever wanted to access this info prior to their getting it that would be different, but you can't. So,, the unscrupulous will enter. Now what? You will have "many" who will work for far less than the rest, thus causing a price curve. If you think this would not happen think again. Market saturation is real that's why it has a name, that's why it is a familiar term to all of us. Market Saturation, Market Saturation, Market Saturation… It happens. It is self explanatory. The market gets "Saturated" Too much,, Too many. Only so many businesses can survive. You may think that you will be able to keep your prices up because you have a great name and your customers love you but you are wrong. The guy that is cutting your price by half is doing even a better job and he's getting even a better name & eventually your prices will have to give or you'll be in the unemployment line. Yes he may go out of business because he's working to cheap but it may take years for it to happen (I know of a company in business right now that has been screwing up the Aluminum industry for 10 years, they're hanging on by a thread but they are hanging on and causing major turmoil within that industry!). In the mean time your looking for away to get the creditors off your back.

I do not want more qualified competition. I sell my services based on Supply and Demand. Currently in my area the Demand is greater than the Supply (as are most areas) for my market thus I am able to dictate my prices because I control the Supply for the Demand. Hence higher profits can be attained. Now if the Supply gets greater than the demand what happens? Prices will fall because the Demand will control the Supply (and pricing) aka Market Saturation! It's really not difficult to understand. The demand controlling the supply is an inevitable fact, but do we want to help it along. I may take 20 years for it to happen or it could take 2 years. The time it takes is based on the how quickly the Supply grows. Now your wanting to plant the seeds for Supply?

NOTE: I just landed a job last week because some moron went out and scribbled some sidewalks. I saw the mess and talked to the manager and bam I got a nice little weekly account at $125 & about 40 minutes a pop plus it got me on a new vendor list so it may help shoe me in for more accounts. So right there because some guy was an idiot (the way I want to keep em) I manage to pick up another $6500 a year which will add probably $3k to my net annual income and it was only a 2 minute sale because of Scribble Boy Powerwashing. **another note here** I sold my services for more than Scribble Boy was doing it for!!
Thanks Scribble Boy

Price clubbing, you don't want that either, you want high prices on goods and services! Man you can get into this business for $5k and make over $100 an hour right now, where else can you do that. We are all already in the biz, we should want prices on all the goods to be double to keep the riff raff out. This industry is already way to cheap to get into. All you veterans know,, it wasn't so cheap 10-15 years ago. What happened? More vendors that's what. All those old vendors watched as their "loyal" customers started to shop their prices and seek goods elsewhere. Now look at all the prices. But Competition is good right. No,, that's gotta be the worst damn saying that I have ever heard. Every time a new company starts what are they doing, they're trying to stay alive by any means necessary. Then they survive, they make it, they hire employees they train employees. Then the employees quit and start their own company and so on & so on. Hence more competition. (example = Like the guys that quit working for their boss, stole his contracts, charged 1/2 as much and were proud & gloating that they'd done it. Ecstatic over the $20 an hour that they were now making. Then they'd tell everyone else that they didn't need to charge more because they were so smart and we were all criminals. (My Point here is that there are A LOT of these ppl out there))

Professional Courtesy's
Here on the forums it is a little different. All of our competition is not here, yes some may be but not all. You say what's the difference. Well according to the grand plans I have read about this training and ed org, members would be solicited, possibly through telemarketing and/or a marketing plan. Seeking out people to educate is vastly different than the individuals seeking out the info for themselves. By doing this you are going out of your way to find people to open up new doors to. Many of the folks doing this are oblivous to the rest of the industry, now you want to show them all of it. Why. I think that I have helped several folks here on this forum and I am glad I was able to but I see this totally different than going out and trying to find all the folks in my market as saying:

" Hi. My name is Cody and I want to help you out, did you know that you can do all this other work and hey btw I'm charging this amount, and did you know it will really help you compete if you go out and get this equipment. You can get it here and here at the best price, oh also these chemicals work really great. Is there anything else I can do for you? If so just call I've been in this business fo 15years now and I'd really hate to see you have to pay your dues and learn things the slow way, I really need some competition right now I'm making way too much money way to easily please start taking away from my plate I just feel guilty & really look forward to having to work a lot harder to get business!

This may be wrong but I reall feel that folks that seek info for them selves will probaly turn out to be better business people than those that do not.

I'm not a the total prick that many think I am. I'm not running around in camo's with an Uzi blasting down my competition. I know a few of my local competitors and occasionally chat with them but only the ones that I feel are competent. The guys that I see working and I see there equipment and figure they have they're act together (which of course just because they look good doesn't mean that the run they're company right either) I'll stop and chat and we may swap a few ideas or info, but we don't go crazy swapping info either. We keep it professional and polite. I have also on occasion gotten help from a couple of them. Again though this is quit different than educating the masses. I have found that most of the guys I meet are really of the same mind set that I am when it comes to information such as this. They're pretty tight lipped! Also to help my fellow contractor; whenever I hear that one is charging to little I'll call them up and say "Hey dumbass your not charging enough" Yes I do my part to help my competitors. I want to share my information because it does feel good when you help someone but on the same hand I do have a business to think about. I think that most here would view things differently if they knew that the guy they were helping so much was just down the street with them in their crosshairs! I had posed a question recently on the Just Fleets board about setting up a stationary truckwash, and I got some great input and I appreciate it greatly. I'd be willing to bet though that many folks would not be willing to help out if they knew I was setting it up a mile away from their stationary truckwash.

Training The Customers on an Organizational Level
The attack plan of training the customers is also a possible mistake. The more you educate customers the more they know about our businesses, then once they have a grasp on the industry they will start dictating our prices. This is already happening. Look at some of the fleets and supermarket chains. I have gone to supermarkets before and they have told me how much they would pay, I laughed and walked away. They know that they will get some idiot to do it for that price because there are a lot of idiots out there. Now with a nice new org. there will be more trained idiots out there. I'm not calling anyone here an idiot I'm just saying that there are people out there that no matter how hard you try to teach them they will never raise there prices they're whole concept of gaining new customers is based around Price! They sell on price alone and nothing else. Here's a typical sales pitch for them.
Contractor: How much do you pay now to get your stuff cleaned?
Customer: $100,,
Contractor: I'll do it for $49.95.
Customer: Sold!
There's the sales pitch for so many. Fleetwash, Carwash Guys and so many others will never change no matter how hard you try to change them. They would however use such an Org. to their advantage to gain a tactical advantage.
Also here,, when you increase the customers awareness you will also increase their chances of shopping you. I definitely know for a fact that I have sold many of jobs that the customer never got another bid on. Maybe because they considered it a chore since they didn't know where to begin. If an Org became a nationally recognized entity then these customers would have been more likely to shop me. They would've been able to simply contact the org to supply leads. I don't need that! Which leads to another point. If you have an Org. that collects a commission on provided leads your pitting member against member. When a cherry contract comes up and everyone wants it something is going to happen. Training the customer could alos lead to more customers taking their cleaning operation in-house. I think that we can all agree on this one,, we don't want it!

What do you think it'll do for you
As far as forming a Org as you guys want to, what are you really wanting to accomplish? Why do it?
  • Are you trying to get more sales. Why not just work on your own personal Marketing & Sales strategy?
  • Are you trying to get customers to come to you? Plenty of customers are out there everywhere you look Pressure cleaning is needed. EVERYWHERE, I feel it would be more difficult to get them to come to me than it is for me to go to them!
  • Are you trying to get customers to pay more? They pay plenty now you just have to ask for it! Read my post in the Tips section "Make More $$$. That post is worth a ton of money. Learn to Sell your service. To many companies just lope around asking customers if they want their services and don't ever really sell their services. This happens is large and small companies. You must learn to Market you service so as to create a since of urgency to the customer, make them feel that if you leave without a contract you'll never be back and there business will crumble and fire will engulf the earth.
  • Are you trying to get rid of unqualified competition. This will only qualify more competition thus strengthening more companies to compete with you. If you set regulation and training requirements this will only furtherr the gap between the "Legal" & No Legal contractors. Thus enabling the UnLic. To sell for considerable less and further softening the price structure
  • Are you trying to get better prices on goods? If you are getting what you should for your services then goods are cheap right now. How much do you expect to save 10% 15% Ok,, If your spending $10k a year on these goods then your only saving $1,500 a year. So what! I can make that on 1 contract! The flip side is if more qualified contractors are around I could Lose that one contract in 1 minute.
  • Are you trying to get better prices on professional services, ie; Legal, Insurance See above[/b]

I was a member of the AAF (Aluminum Association of Florida) and they had a no bashing policy. It didn't work. There is a member of my area that bashes everyone else in the Org. and nothing is ever done about it. So what does this help. Also the Org. cannot really vouch for the Contractors that are within it's ranks. In the AAF there are plenty of butchers that do God awful work. I really think that some of these guys have no clue of what a level or a plum stick are. Pretty bad for a builder. But they are members so they must be qualified. The Org even maintains a campaign advertising that if you don't see their Seal then the contractor isn't qualified. Well there Seal don't mean jack! Like I said there were plenty of butchers in the Org. some who darn sure shouldn't have been Licensed contractors but they were. My point here is Why would I want the same thing here in the Pressure Cleaning Industry. The members of the PWNA are no more qualified than anyone else yet they wield there name as if it meant something. It doesn't mean a damn thing and neither will any new Org' unless strict and rigid Training is implemented like some similar to an ASE certified Mechanic & I for one definitely don't want that headache. Now you also will have the Licensed Gap I was reffering to earlier

So who is this good for & who would want it:
  • Newbies would love it because they could advance quicker within the industry, but they really don't want it. Those with determination can get all the information the hard way and build a better business by stifling out the competition. That's right Newbies shouldn't want competition either.
  • Contractors that want it as a sales tool. Well no offense here but these may be the very people that we don't want in the business. If they are wanting to rely on an Org. to build their businesses then they are not doing it themselves. They are looking for an easy way to establish accounts and recognition rather than going out and beating the street and making it happen. They have a hobby not a business!
  • It will be damn good for the folks running it if it ever gained national recognition. The Board members could possibly make a fortune. Plus gain an unprecedented amount of power over the industry.

"Not non-Profit"
It was said before that this plan of an org. "is <u>not</u> to be Non-Profit". This makes me think that there is an underlying motivation here. If it is to be a "profit" making organization then the real motivation for doing it is not for the well being of the contractors but for the well being of the Organization & those that run it. I have read ALL the post regarding this matter & this is pretty simple to see. Now in order for an organization as such to make more money it would be in it's best interest to set forth more regulation and training requirements forcing Contractors to have to pour more money into it this Org. so it could make money. Hey it's a business right it's goal is to increase it's revenues through any means necessary. Acquiring more members and setting regulation and training would be it's majority revenue along with the kickbacks that it would receive for setting up deals with suppliers and services. In the pursuit of new members it would offer all information and resources for operating a successful Pressure Cleaning business. Never caring about things like Market Saturation, Supply & Demand, of Future Earnings Potential. It may seemingly care, but the bottom line of any such Org is it's member base. The more members it has the more earnings & political leverage it can attain, now it can implement regulation at the drop of the hat. The Contractor's best interest is not involved at this point only the Organization and it's committee is At first it may start out innocent enough but in the end it may turn around and bite many of us.

For the life of me I do not understand why anyone would want to do such a thing. Really I just don't get it. I see this plain as day. Do you guys have a hard time getting business?? If so use your time and resources educating yourselves in Marketing and Sales. There's a lot of business out there. If you spent half the time knocking on doors that you want to spend building this Org. you'd be millionaires. I have no problems finding business I have problems getting it all done. Go out and educate you potential customers not your competition. If you want to share info and save people money then Post it on up here, unless of course you're looking to make a buck on it. In that case start an Org.

And just for the record I am not scared of competition and I don't mind swimming with the sharks (I surf
) I just don't want to see my profit margin slip (nor yours, your profit margin is important to me too.) to where I have to become a volume company. I've been there it sucks. I could charge half of what I do now, but I'd have to work twice as hard to maintian my Net Income. Why would I want to do that? Believe me I can compete. Some reason you guys think that because I am against this I am in fear of losing my business. I don't fear losing my biz I fear losing my profit margin. I like it right where it is. I was a builder for years and in a horrifically cutt throat sector. I know how to play like that. I quit it because my Pressure cleaning profits began to surpass my building profits on 1/5th of the gross sales. I'm no idiot I saw this as a good thing so I dumped my building biz and began this fulltime! If I wanted to become a volume service I could easily beat the hell out of 80% of my competition and put them out of biz. But again Why. I make my money now there's no point in doing it, contracts are ample. Why thrash my market when there is no need to. This is a Great Business. Don't try to fix it, it ain't broke!

Grant it there have been a few valid points that I cannot totally disregard in favor of such an Org. But I still believe that the risk out weigh the rewards. If an Org as such was formed what would it save me vs what would it cost. Cost being actual expense of being a member / involvement & development of competitive business. It really all boils down to your future earnings potential. If you develop 50% more "qualified contractors" what will this do to my market share? Is it worth the risk? As far as I can see it is not! The only good thing may be is that if an issue were to arise that would have a dramatic negative impact on our industry we would have a larger voice to address it. But frankly we can already do this through the means that are already in place, like these forums and PWNA!

I'm not trying to be confrontational I'm just trying to protect a virgin!
Cody</FONT c>

<FONT COLOR="e87400">
Hydro-Emulsification Surface Preparation Specialist
</FONT c>


New Member
The guy that is cutting your price by half is doing even a better job and he's getting even a better name & eventually your prices will have to give or you'll be in the unemployment line

Better job at half the cost? And he's happy? Bet his customers are too.

The previous post could be used to fight against Campaign Funding Reform. Replace pressure wash with you wanna sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom.

Ron, thanks for the invite but I'm just watching and I'm sure not qualified to advise or assist the professionals in this work ethic.


Clean County

New Member
You make some valid points in your last post which nobody can dispute. In every business there are the dirt bags that will take valuable information given to them and use it to bring the market down of even use it unlawfully such as the case with the leader of the Carwash franchises who new what can be made in cleaning cars and with that knowledge he lied about how much he was making with his business because he was a dirt bag and he sold his lies to other poor souls who bought his phony baloney franchises. He is an extreme case( We all know who I'm talking about).

There's so many points that you brought up in your post so I'm only going to address a few. As far as you stating that it took you 15 yrs of learning to get where you are today and you think it isn't fair that you will give it up to someone who is more or less a newbie who can have a major head start in this field so what is wrong with that. Just because you were unfortunate as most of us were when we started out and we had to learn the hard way you think it is not fair that people today can and will have access to more knowledge then we did. That is unfortunate. It almost sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder because of this.

The bottom line with this as in any other business is you have to do good work. It seems to me if your reputation is as such then you can charge more because of it. To make this point even easier lets say your name is Piccasso and you have a bunch of art students that you will teach on how to be a good artist. No problem but if they can't paint like you then you will still be top dog. Reputation in my mind is big in this field as it is in building which I think you would know. If you are very good at what you do and I'm sure you are then you will last along time where Joe dirtbag will eventually fail. That is the way it is around here.

Educating customers is also good because that way they know or at least feel confident that you know what you are talking about which in the end should help you land the deal because they have confidents in you which is key in nailing down the job. There will always be people who go with the lowest bidder but you know how that goes you get what you paid for so the heck with them. You can't change a cheapskates mind and why bother.

As far as the org. goes I'm all eyes and ears. I can't add much to it because I don't have enough knowlege in that end of the business but hey if it can be formed and it becomes like a big think tank then I'm really interested because I don't want to wait 15 yrs to learn the ins and outs of this business I want to learn them now and who wouldn't. There's people in this field who can give you vital info that you might have never figured out on your own or it takes another 15yrs in doing so and as we know time/money is the critical points in making it along with quality/reputation etc.

I wouldn't mind hanging with the people here and discussing how we do things and how to better our business because I know I don't have all the answers and exchanging Idea's is how we can learn. And if we met in person we could probably pass business off to each other every now and who knows. But I bet my business along with most others would benefit greatly if we did the above.

The only other thing I would like to add here is that I probably won't go to Arizona or wherever this meeting may be because it isn't benificial in me doing so unless Ron can prove otherwise. A national org I am not sure would make it because of how expensive it would be to make it so. My national org. is this board, but I wouldn't mind having fellow powerwasher in my area get together so we can build off each other by exchanging Idea's etc. I'm not worried about competion because to me good competion makes me want to work that much harder to be the best and if someone turns out to be a dirt bag at these local or national meetings there colors will eventually show just look at my first paragraph.

Last but not least Cody I respect your posts that you put forward and keep up the good work. I just have to disagree with you on this one. -JOHN-


Mike Hughes

New Member
I'm not sure where I stand on this issue. I think the organization would have good benefits, but as I read Cody's post, I found myself agreeing with nearly everything he said! Maybe it was just the orange getting to me, I don't know.

From what I have read above, this seems to be a regional experiment, out west. If it works out there, perhaps it could be duplicated four of five times to cover the rest of the country, and Canada (lets not forget our friends up north).

Mike Hughes
Souderton, PA

Ron Musgraves

Staff member
It’s just a test, a test of the emergency pressure washers association. Remember this is only a test, if viewers in your area are afraid of participating remember you don’t need to.

Cody lots of great points, you have defended the reason we need to start this org. its all the way you look at things.

Cody we are going to meet even if it’s by my self. I will have a meeting and I will start and organization. If those who have said they want to help will help, (wonderful). If we do start one and its as dangerous as you claim it will be then we will have wonderful powers. It will be nice to be recognized as professionals and respected by restaurant groups, general contractors, and many other organizations know that don’t even know we exist.

If you want to stand-alone then that’s your choice. I appreciate your opinion and understand your point, you’re as successful as you want to be.

The scribbler guy did you get that idea from me? I share inf. with competitors and enjoy it. I loan equipment to them I even rent it.

You learned and idea here and used it to gain and account as you said in your previous post. Your welcome Cody I many more and I really wish you could at least see my side. I know I’m not the only contractor here that shares. I do believe I share more than most. and if anyone ever calls me I call them back.

Message to phoenix contractors.

If you are from phoenix please call I will help you as well. Maybe I can pass some work to you or you may have something you can’t handle.

Message to customers,

I will seek the best way to clean your sidewalks, I will keep up with the latest techniques & equipment available. I will give you the best pressure washing and a reasonable price.
I want to be fair with my customers and build strong relationship that will grow my business and my customers.

Keep opening eyes Cody, it wont matter you cant please everyone.

Ron Marshal Phoenix AZ


New Member
I was just asked a question by a friend of mine that was very valid. What has PWNA actually done for me or my industry? And when I actually had it asked that bluntly, I realized the bottom line answer. NOTHING.

We all have come up with more opportunities, options, and had more discussions here on this one post, than has ever come out of the PWNA over the last 5 years that I have been a member. Our local chapter has already started here in case none of you noticed yet. Just by discussing the possibilities and sharing our problems and the solutions. Isn't this what PWNA was supposed to be all about anyway? I totally agree with trying to set a date and meeting as many of you face to face as possible. I welcome the chance to meet other local contractors and understand what you do, and even what you look like!!!

Kendra Tillery


Walt Graner

New Member
It all sounds like a great idea. I'd like to help out however I can. Since I’m here in Austin, I have access to lobbyist who can help in organizing associations.

Here’s my info if anyone wants to get a hold of me.

3006 Bee Caves Rd, Suite B-160
Austin, Texas 78746-5540
Office: (512) 328-7776
Fax: (512) 328-2399

Walt Graner
"Off The Wall" Graffiti

Ron Musgraves

Staff member
Thanks for the great responses. We need the help so if you send me your inf. I can write it down and I will be giving you a call.

Ron Marshal Phoenix AZ


New Member

Not that it needs repeating but when you turn that question around and ask what have YOU done for the PWNA I now know you have done much more then they know.

Having spoken with you and others who have told me all the stuff you have done for them it is only a matter of time before they truly miss you.

That is when they will beg you to come back and help them again. I can hear your reply already but do to the langauge cannot repeat it here.

They owe you gal, they owe you big time.

Ron, you do have me down as one of the group, if not put me in your list.

Jon Fleischer
Oasis Pressure Cleaning
(909) 792-2247
Fax (909) 792-5633

[This message has been edited by Jon (edited March 21, 2001).]


New Member
Jon, Thank you. And one of these days when our schedules fit, we will have to hook up and finally meet. We are too close demographically not to!

Ron, I will be right there with you, if it is only you and I meeting for this assoc. thing! Name the time and the place. Have car, will travel....



Dan S

New Member
wow i hate to add my 2 cents again..........BUT....

Ron said something a couple post back that made me want to grab this computer and toss it into my ice covered swimming pool.............

this wont be word for word&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;

"we need to let the resturant,fleet owner's know that we are professional""

EXUSE ME BUT IN MY AREA &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; MY CONTRACTS&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;MY RESTRUANT ONWERS ALREADY KNOW THAT MY COMPANY IS PROFESSIONAL........AND I DONT HAVE A TITLE BEHIND MY MY CO. NAME................AND&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;

AS far as calling all my competiors and say hey let's start a group p/wer's professional org.you tell me your prices how you do things and i will do the same .
and when i bid on a job i will call all of you to "educate" you on the price ..........and how you are going to take bubble gum off of the side of the wall..................and if my fleet owner's have a problem with my cleaning i hope they call you to wash there truck's....." since we are all "professional" and have a group that says we are..
o and by the way if i cant make it to work b/c my eq. is broke i will call you as well so you can let my contracts know that we are "PROFFESIONAL" and we all work together.................and i really hope that you do the same.........................HUH!! THATS JUST BULL S &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;

YES I BELIEVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
I am not sure were I stand either. Like Mike said. Cody has some valid points, and most of what he says sounds right on the money.

I am not sure most would appreciate and respect the idea. I see a lot of contractors already take things for granted, and almost expect everything just handed to them.

Experience and knowledge is priceless. To respect it. Should it just be handed over to just anyone without working for it. I am how ever open to the idea of looking into this further. The PWNA is a JOKE. Are we sure we could do better? I talked with Ron for a short time yesterday. I feel that it is worth the time to investigate this. Yet I see a problem with time. Most of us that have been in business for a while are very busy. I think it would be hard to get several people to find time at the same time to get things going.

I guess we will see what happens.


I will contact you over the weekend. I will be very busy for the rest of the week.

Dan Flynn
Timberland Power Wash
Houston, Texas.

Laurie Grathen

<br><b>Premium Member<b><br>
All so interesting...

I've felt for a long time that beyond a newbie's initial contact with PWNA where he/she was introduced to other professionals who were very willing to share their knowledge, the organization offered nothing of value. We do, however, feel strongly that as an industry, we need a professional organization for all of the reasons that have been discussed on this board.

Can we do better? Yes, I think we can if we stay focused on the reason for the organization. Will it be easy? Certainly not. It is worth it? Only thing we can do is try it and see. If anyone thinks the idea has value and is willing to invest some time and money into trying it, we have to try it. Life's full of risks, but nothing moves forward without taking them.

I have the easiest job in the pressure washing business (managing the business from a spare bedroom) and probably have the time and talent to devote to helping start this organization. In addition, I have pretty close to as much passion as some of you do for making a professional organization in our industry work. And, I have a lot of business and organizational administrative experience to help make sure the organization is efficient and effective. One of the primary differences I see in a new organization as discussed here, and PWNA, is that we would focus on the business of power washing, not on the business of running an association. And we need to be careful about when and why we cross the line between using the organization for the benefit of pressure washing contractors and for businesses that make their money from pressure washing contractors.

So Ron, though I'm in the midwest (central Missouri), I'd still like to help this organization get up and running. And I do believe you're right. Though the organization should be national for economy of scale, the issues forum and most meetings should be regional because there are enormous differences in issues regionally in this country.

Call me. 573 346-2995



New Member
OK, I think I have read enough that I can put things together.

Dan S and Cody,

I do not know much about either one of you, or even anything about where you are from, but I think one comment will suffice. Enough already. I think we have all gotten both your 2 cents worth. If you do not want to be a part of it then don't. No one is gonna make you. Have you gotten that burned by something in the past, or are you really that afraid of another group that might be able to do everything the rest of us would like it to? I really try to stay away from directing these kind of posts to anyone in particular, but I just couldn't keep myself quiet anymore. I think networking is the biggest tool you could ever possibly ask for. And so what, if all that comes out of in the first couple of months, is that a bunch of us get together and talk shop, it's our dime not yours. I agree with Dan Flynn, that the PWNA is a joke, and that experience and knowledge are priceless. No one could attain that without living it. Regardless of how much someone tells them. I also agree that anyone that wants to remain tight lipped, should. I don't think anyone would expect you to spill your guts if you don't want to.

The comment that Laurie made: "One of the primary differences I see in a new organization as discussed here, and PWNA, is that we would focus on the business of power washing, not on the business of running an association. " This Is the biggest thing to keep in mind. I think I have said what I needed to say. And again Dan S. and Cody, I don't doubt the validity of any comments that you guys have made. But you can't keep anyone from making mistakes, we all learn, and I am hoping that with help of alot of the the people on this board, we can learn from the mistakes we have seen and felt PWNA make, and do a better job. We live and learn right? If anyone has questions I am posting my phone number too.

Kendra Tillery
Polished Perfection


[This message has been edited by Cali (edited March 22, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Cali (edited March 22, 2001).]

Clean County

New Member
You go girl. You hit the nail on the head in your post. The magic word is NETWORKING!!!!! Of course some people are under the impression that they have to tell everything they know about anything. To them I say take a chill pill an relax. Most succesfull businesses do what you just said they NETWORK.
As far as telling everything you know about this business nobody is asking that of anybody. Say whatever you want. It's about making friends, contacts in this Industry. I don't know exactly where I stand on all this but I won't knock something that people in my field think on average may be a good Idea.
I'm going to try to hook up with Ron this weekend to get more insight on this. With so many post on this subject that tells you something. If the majority are in agreement with something then the odds are they are usually right. If your mind is closed to a new idea so be it. It could be your loss.-JOHN-



New Member
Thanks John. And I totally agree that if you look at the number of posts, it should speak for itself.



Ron Musgraves

Staff member
<FONT size="4">John I would agree what you said is that the majority can usually be correct. I think we that want this org. are the minority and others just have not given their opinions. I have spoken with a lot of the folks that are pro and not much with the ones that are con. I’m not trying to convince anyone because I need folks with clear heads that know they want to help and realize that all the struggles in this industry come from no organization.

We already have the support we need to at least to get the ball rolling. I know that some will talk and others will still complain and that’s the way it goes.

Lets toss some dates around; I think Vegas could be a great neutral zone. Hotels are cheap and airline tickets are inexpensive. So lets hear some dates in October, Jon mentioned about the pwna meeting conflicting. I think we should meet on the same day in oct. </FONT s>

I also think we could schedule some voice chats. We could use yahoo it’s free and works great. I would like to say let have a voice chat with those interested next wed night at 7:00 pm pacific time. Jon they have a typing screen as well so tell your wife to tune in with you so you don’t miss anything.

Getting yahoo, you will need yahoo messenger, if you e-mail Kendra or myself we can send you are names and link to down load the application. When you down load the applications you will need to add names that we will keep e-mailing those who want to join in on the discussion. Remember this is a free service and many of us already have it.

My yahoo name is mus1961, I will be posting this info under a separate post titled <FONT COLOR="Red">pressure washers org voice chat. </FONT c>

<FONT COLOR="Blue">Lets talk live next wed about setting the date and see what happens.
</FONT c>

Ron Marshal Phoenix AZ


New Member
<FONT COLOR="e87400">Ok here it is. Let me spell it out for you. Ron is ramrodding this and:

Fact One - He is the Major drive behind forming such an "Organization
Fact Two- He wants it to be a Profit Making Entity
Fact Three- He wants to set up a supply warehouse to Inventory Supplies for redistribution to "Members" i.e Commissions for Organization.
Fact Four- He wants to strive for National Recognition to acquire National Accounts so the Organization may be their sole service Read between the lines a little here, big commissions for the Profit making Organization.
Fact Five- He refers to this as a Conglomerate Definition = A Large Corporation i.e.: Franchise not a club. Franchise = give up 17% of your gross sales.
Fact Six- He is the only one stating that he doesn't want it to be a CO-OP, You guys say that since so many are in agreement they must be right, well 2 months ago most were agreeing on a CO-OP and Ron was the only one Opposing it!
Fact Seven- If someone felt so strongly about setting up a network of contractors to assist themselves and or others why not just do it right here? This Network is in place, it's working & it's Free! What can you do for the community as a whole that cannot be done right here! I think that many of you don't really realize what Dan has here, we communicate 1000 times more than any Organization does if there is a problem that calls for Organized power to avail, it can be accomplished here quicker than you may think.

Now. Laurie Grathen's statement that you like so much:
"One of the primary differences I see in a new organization as discussed here, and PWNA, is that we would focus on the business of power washing, not on the business of running an association. "
You were saying?

This is why I am THROUGHLY AGAINST this, this is just another PWNA with even a more diabolical twist. It's primary goal will be to increase it's "member" base thereby increasing membership dues, (or franchise fees) & commisssions on goods, & referrals. What's the best way to increase membership base……Deluge the information! If you want this you're stranger than I am. Unless of course your looking for a cushy driving seat on the Board of Directors. They will make a Ton of $$$$

This will worse than PWNA.

Cody</FONT c>

<FONT COLOR="e87400">
Hydro-Emulsification Surface Preparation Specialist
</FONT c>

Mike Hughes

New Member
The same day as the PWNA?? I really think thats a bad idea......pointless.

Mike Hughes
Souderton, PA


New Member
Same day as PWNA?

PWNA members and nonmembers alike have voiced some dissatisfaction with that group. Your vanguard meeting in same town and same day as theirs might result in some networking with dissatisfied members who are attending the conference. Might expand the initial efforts. Might become a trial by fire that would temper the new group and give it long term strength. Your ideas could be adopted by the members of PWNA and be the spark for change in that group. You're looking to be an alternative in the long term why postpone the inevitable confrontation?


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