Seminar schedule for National Cleaning Expo
2012 ..San Diego
Hosted By..
October 25, 26, 27, 2012
Location: Crown Plaza Hotel-Mission Valley
2270 Hotel Circle North San Diego,CA 92108
To book rooms:
Call 1877 2 CROWNE (1 877 227-6963)
and ask for the “Catering” 30% off Best Flex Rate
Or go to
Oct 25th Thursday Educational Seminars
AC Lockyer will be giving a seminar in..
The Doubling..
Double your business,
Double your profits, Double your free time.
What are the time proven steps to having true profitable success in business.
What is the definition of success?
For that matter what is your definition of success?
What makes you tick and how do you harness thatpassion and energy and turn it into sales?
AC Lockyer patriarch of the Soft Wash Roof & Exterior Cleaning isliving the DREAM and
touching business owners all over the country changing their lives and freeing them from their JOB.
If you never want to have a JOB again and want to have the keys to true success in your
business attend The Doubling and double everything good in your life.
check in ..7:45 AM and runs from 8:00 am 9:45 AM
$ FREE !!
Scott Stone Will be giving a seminar in..
Parking Garage Cleaning,
and “big contract” management
One of this industry’s favorite “big-contract jobs..
is in Parking Garages..
Anyone cleaning driveways,
drive-thru’s, or any large flat-work, will benefit from this class..
Learn to from a successfully competitive leader.
Thursday, October 25 th, 2012 in San Diego, CA
check in.. 10:00AM and runs to Noon
Attend $Free!!
Oct 26th Friday’s Educational Seminars Presents..
Wash Water Control Certification- the BMP's School
Sponsored By Sirocco Performance Vacuums, Cleaning System Specialists Inc
This industry’s first, complete educational for outdoor cleaning applications.
Learn how wash water control affects every jobsite, and how to truly be a “pollution
control specialist” in a world of pollution management opportunity
(aka.. cleaning contracts). Every outdoor cleaning professional and stormwater
professional should know wash water control technology. That’s right.. everyone
from “seasoned veterans” of pressure washing to salesmen of relative equipment
will benefit from this class..
Learn to Eliminate liability exposure FAST.
Our BMP program is the best in this industry by design.
This is the fast track to a sustainable relationship with the environment.
Friday, October 26 th, 2012
check in.. 7:30 AM and runs 8:00AM to 1 PM
only $139. per person
to register for this class.. can register here
BullDogPro will be giving a seminar in..
PressureWasher Troubleshooting and “Bullet-Proofing”
This industry’s first, beginner to hard-core “all systems” educational
for the equipment owner and Service Center technicians.
That’s right.. even a “seasoned veteran” of pressure washers
will benefit from this class.. Learn to Eliminate downtime FAST.
Friday, October 26 th, 2012 in San Diego,CA
check in.. 2:15 PM and runs 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM can
register here..